When ozone and UV light is added to the aeration/oxygenation process of the Scavenger2000™ water decontamination and regeneration vessel, several unique abilities result in being greater than either of the processes applied in solo. Rather than having simply an aeration stream, an environmentally safe and effective disinfection process is carried out in the waters where the Scavenger2000™ operates.

Ozone and UV Light have been applied with great benefit in the municipal sewer treatment process worldwide, because of its ability to disinfect water without leaving any harmful by products as, does chlorine. In fact, ozone was found through laboratory examination to be over 100 times as powerful as chlorine in destroying EColi bacteria.

There are no other vessels in the world today that have all the capabilities of the Scavenger2000™ water decontamination and regeneration vessel.


Reduces turbidity: Ozone alters the surface charge which allows suspended particles to coagulate, they then are removed by sedimentation, filtration or flotation. Odor removal: Organic and inorganic compounds containing sulfur and nitrogen are oxidized to simple odor free compounds. Color removal: Ozone treatment oxidizes double bonds to single bonds which are simple compounds, generally clear. Tests at Nova University show that water clarity improved by more than 50% Algae control: Algae is a natural odor generator. Ozone indirectly kills algae by oxidizing the organic chemicals and some nutrients that algae feeds on.

Red Tides: Ozone oxidizes the toxic algae that cause red tides. Pesticide removal: Ozone effectively oxidizes most pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides that get washed into the watershed. Increases DOC: (Dissolved Oxygen Content). The life force of the water is oxygen. Ozone is a triatomic oxygen that becomes oxygen anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. This increases the oxygen in the water.

Sheen: Ozone oxidizes some of the oil sheen in the water.


Kills pathogens: Ozone is a powerful defense against the microbial contamination of water. Cryptosporidium, a parasite, is one of many dangerous microorganisms that ozone will kill. It also kills pathogens such as physteria. Kills fecal coliform: Often in storm water run off, there are sewage spills or agricultural waste going directly into the waterways. Ozone can be a defense mechanism against such pollution.

Tests effectuated at Nova University have demonstrated that Fecal Coliform decreased 95% with the use of oxygen and ozone combined..Inactivates virus: A virus cannot survive when exposed to the ozone molecules. Tests have proven that viruses of all kinds are inactivated when mixed with ozone. Waterborne virus is a serious concern in our waterways.


Chlorine and Ozone are disinfectants, but unlike chlorine, ozone is nontoxic. Ozone also inactivates viruses in water whereas chlorine ineffective. The Scavenger2000™ uses special techniques to generate ozone and oxygen on board then drives the ozone into the water. Depending on conditions, the ozone life expectancy can vary from a few seconds to a few minutes where upon ozone goes back into its normal oxygen state. The amount of dissolved ozone is so minute it only affects microbiological pollutants. The natural plant life is not affected due to the short contact and small concentration of ozone. Ozone converts into oxygen in seconds. This procedure supports chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal, cracks undegradable substances so that they become digestible to bacteria, and supports the aerobic oxidation of toxic nitrogen compounds, allowing extremely high fish loads while at the same time maintaining excellent water quality.

Scavenger Vessel Decontamination water Florida Carolina Virginia